Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ok, This will be short and sweet! Not much to go over, just more of the same... upsets and unforseen outcomes.

For Week 7, we saw one star emerge, and our fearless leader, Kenber, had a perfect 5-0 week, which pulled him back into contention for our contest. Kenber jumped all the way up into third place! He would be in stronger contention is Thaicoug would ever have a bad week.

Thaicoug, Frogmenrule, CougLJ, Dawgfan, Drake, and Kegger 56 all had 4-1 weeks and did a good job as well. The rest of us sucked their wind!

Standings after week 7...

1. ThaiCoug...........................................37-9 (84.8%)

2. 00Dawg...............................................35-11 (76.1%)

3T. Three tied at ................................34-12 (73.9%)

(Trojan Backer, Frogmenrule, KENBER)

6T. Four Tied at..................................33-13 (71.7%)

(demondog, DM14, Global, CougLJ)

10. GoDawgs!...........................................29-12 (70.7%)

11. Hey4Hawks.......................................26-11 (70.3%)

12T. Six tied at........................................32-14 (69.6%)

(Bowdown, Waltham, Paul, Chidawg, Dawgfan, Drake)

18T. Schuurmercoug, 2*2*2...............31-15 (67.4%

20. Kegger56..............................................16-8 (66.7%)

21. Okfan.....................................................21-16 (56.8%)


Next weeks games...

Just four games, but they're gonna be some good ones!

California @ UCLA

Southern Cal @ Notre Dame

Oregon @ Washington

Stanford @ Arizona

