Ok, it's time to get it going. Who is the most knowledgeable Pac 10 football fan in the College Fix family?

Beginning this week, and extending through the bowl games, we are engaging in a little contest. members will make predictions EVERY week for EVERY game a Pac 10 team plays in, and the person with the highest winning percentage at the end of the year will be listed as the College Fix Prognosticator of the Year!
What does this mean? Fame? Fortune? Nope... just some good 'ol fashioned bragging rights, as you will be known as the best prognosticator of our forum family for an entire year!
The Rules are simple... Make your picks every week. The picks must be in before the first game of the week starts to qualify. Either Global or myself will start up a thread (usually entitled PAC 10 predictions Week ___, or something to that effect).
The only other rule is that in recognition that you might not be available EVERY week, you must pick in at least 75% of the weeks to qualify... this way, we can still get an accurate gauge as to who is the best.
The person with the highest percentage wins.
In the unlikely event of a tie, we will be looking at the bowl games. You must predict the pAC 10 BOWL games, AND the BCS CHAMPIONSHIP game along with a prediction of the score of each game. Then, we can look at your bowl record first, your pick for the BCS championship game second, the point spread of the BCS championship game third, and the total points scored in the BCS Championship game fourth.
I will attempt to post a running total of the scores on a weekly basis on the Front Page.
Understanding that I am human and make mistakes, if I am innaccurate, please send me a PM and I will look into it.
I will update this page early next week with the first round scores. As it stands today, there were only 13 people that are involved...
Kenber, Waltham, SchuurmerCoug, Chi Dawgs, Frogmenrule, Go Dawgs, Coug LJ, Thai Cougs, 2*2*2, Global, Trojan Backer, Dawgfan, and
myself.I look forward to having more involvement in the upcoming weeks. Let's all get into this and have fun. It was so much fun last year, and guy from the PI column actually tracked it and posted results for us. Good luck. You're all playing for second!
Labels: CollegeFix, Dawgman14